Remote working
If you have a smart phone, you may think that this is the future. In reality, however, this is just the beginning and good old technology. Your smart phone is a portable computer which loads some data from a server. This article describes an alternative that allows you to use programs which are natively running on various Linux servers. First, you have to configure the Linux server. Just create the file: And typ in: If you like to share multiple desctops, then use: Second, ensure that X11 forwarding is enabled: Finally, you have to restart X. Best would be to restart the sytem.I'd like to access the server via Windows. So we have to install:
with following options: A X11 server/client is also needed. I choose "Xming". Note, You do not have to start "Xming"! The rest is pretty easy. You have to start the cygwin bash terminal and type: That's it. You should now see a Linux desctop. If you choose the second alternative above, you can use this commands: You may run following command on the Linux server: If you do not need the entire desctop, then start "Xming" amd use or Enjoy remote working!