Dimmer Pack:
The presented dimmer pack can control hight power theater lights where the power is controled with an phase cutting method. I used an analog circuit to detect the zero-crossing. This enables an exact phase cutting control needed to activate the Triacs. A 0-10V control signal is used to adjust the power which is more or less related with the light intensity. Here is the power circuit used in the dimmer pack. It is a prototyp installation:
Each board can control 4 channels using a triac up to 16A at 230V AC. The fully assembled dimmer pack uses three-phase electric power connectors where each phase is individual controlled:

Each input phase is secure using circuit breaker:

Ready to use systems were quit expensive, when I build my own dimmerpacks around 2000. However, it was an inspired project and the dimmer packs are still in use. Now the price is low for such dimmer packs and a self made project would cost muche more. Here are 3 read-to-use packs which I uses beyond my own system: