World Wide Web:
12.02.2013 : HowTo make a webpage

HowTo make a webpage

It all begun around 1990 when html start its triumphal procession. It was the time when the Internet was born. Now, something about 20 years later, html is the standard description language for modern graphical user interfaces. html 5 is the current development level and it has great features that leaves little to be desired. But what I noticed in recent years, the number of sophisticated (semi)private web pages decreases! The web page variability vanishes in favour of main stream standardized pin board web services in the form of escalated forum usage, Blogs, micro Blogs and social team jumble of bits of digital paper. Used web services are industrialized and unified with more or less comfortable text and image interfaces. But the great benefit is the simplified automatic data processing for market and customer analysis. However, I like diversity. That is why I decided to make yet an other old school html tutorial!

Feel free and create your own web page!
It all starts with an idea and results in a design template considering some kind of usability. This is part of the first section "Design". The second one "Coding" is about the hard facts: html and css.